McGregor Art Workshops 2025
Jane duRand
Colour – Glazing & Underglazing
Jane duRand | Colour - Glazing and Underglazing | Ceramics
Workshop Outline
All Levels | 14+
This is a one day workshop
March 15 | 10am – 4pm | 15 people max
UniSQ Toowoomba, A229
Underglazes, oxides and stains are the basic building blocks when it comes to applying and layering colour on ceramics. Underglazes are made from applying a mix of clay, oxides and water as thin slips or engobes (incorporating silica) onto greenware (unfired) and bisque (bisque fired) ware. Because underglazes are true to colour, they can be applied like paint and won’t shift when they are fired, so allow us to create detailed “painterly” surface decorations. Oxides use raw materials such as metal to impart colour and movement in finishes by creating flux, in order to liquify and vitrify glazes on pottery. Stains use oxides that have already been fired to create consistent colouring effects on pottery.
In this one-day workshop we will explore underglazes, oxides and stains in detail, to understand how to create colour and surface effects on ceramics. Jane will explain some of the science behind these materials and demonstrate how to use them on their own and together, to mix colours, and create different effects.
You should bring along your bisque fired pieces so that you can apply the underglazes oxides and stains to them. If you do not have any of your own bisque fired work, please contact, and we will arrange with Jane to bring some bisque pieces for you to experiment with.
All glazes and underglazes, oxides, stains and firing of the finished pieces are included in the registration cost.
Cost, all inclusive: $550
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Art Workshops 2025
Artist Call Out
EOI now open for art workshop tutors.
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