UniSQ’s Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing will grow your creativity, your facilitation and leadership skills, and your understanding of the needs of community care and development. Specialise in either Music, Theatre, or Visual Art and learn how your creative practice can engage positively with communities to build resilience, capacity, and cohesion. All three Majors are underpinned by foundational Human Services courses to equip you with the necessary knowledge to apply your creative processes in/with/and for diverse communities to assist individuals and groups to be happier and healthier. Graduates of this degree will have the necessary skills to work in the Creative Industries along with the added employability to bring benefit to other sectors like Community Services (youth, indigenous, aged, refugee, homeless, unemployed, disability), Hospitals/Allied Health, Correctional Services, Local Government, and Charity Organisations.
3-years Full Time
6-years Part Time
Credit Points



Visual Art
Student Experience
As a Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing student you will immerse yourself within the creative discipline of your choice (Music, Visual Art, or Theatre) to build your practice and to prepare you to engage others in creative activities and projects. You will also study courses in the Human Services to ensure you have the awareness of key issues and protocols required of artists working in diverse communities. You are encouraged to consider undertaking further courses in the Human Services as your second Major or as a Minor. You can specialise in: Child and Family Studies; Community Development and Indigenous Studies; or, Counselling. You can also consider taking further courses in your chosen creative discipline or from another creative discipline within the School of Creative Arts: Music; Visual Art; Theatre; Film and Screen Production; Television and Radio Production; or, Design and Interactive Technologies.
- All
What You'll Do
You will make stuff! You will spend plenty of time in the studio being creative, learning new techniques, and collaborating with your fellow students and lecturers. You will come to know how you can apply your style of creativity to benefit others in the community and to help make a difference in the world.