The Bachelor of Theatre prepares people for professional careers as actors, writers, directors and various inter-related job roles in live and digital performance across the entertainment industry. The diverse range of learning experiences within the program also prepares people for careers as community and youth arts workers, teachers (with further qualifications), academics and independent artists. The program balances a mix of intensive practice-led skills acquisition classes with rigorous theory. Students are also trained in community development, youth arts skills and workshops, independent and original production development as well as business acumen for building sustainable careers in theatre arts. The program offers unique opportunity to consult with staff and tailor your own career path from the course enrolment options on offer. Graduates from the program work nationally and internationally across the entertainment, community development, education, health and tourist sectors. Many of our graduates are state and national award winners as actors, directors, writers, teachers and arts administrators. Other graduates have established some of Australia’s leading innovative theatre and digital content production companies.
3-years Full Time
6-years Part Time
Credit Points


Theatre Making
Student Experience
Our Acting and Theatre Making graduates work all around the world in multiple performance platforms and across a wide range of theatrical areas. The industry wants you to generate and sustain original performance material and outcomes, and so you will innovate traditional live performance through online product-share for digital promotion, delivery and audience reach. Over the program you will be thrown into rigorous exploration of generating original work by adapting theatre skills and processes, engage in interpretive performance for live and digital modes of delivery, and, deliver sustainable community-participatory creative arts projects.

Grace Sankey
Performer, Speech & Drama Teacher

Brodie Greenhalgh

Eli Bunyoung
Grace Sankey
My name is Grace Sankey and I am a 2018 graduate of the Bachelor of Creative Arts (Theatre). The USQ Theatre course has had a profound effect on my life both in a personal and professional sense. The theatre course and coordinators allowed for the creation and production of my own youth arts festival, Scope Theatre Festival. Scope started as a concept and with the help of the tutors and course flourished into a live theatre festival in my final year of study. Post-grad, Scope continues annually, engaging local businesses and artists as well as continuing to open further pathways for myself in the Queensland festival and theatre scene.
The theatre course has also allowed me to find a permanent role as a Speech and Drama teacher at Speak Up Studio where I teach children who want to learn more about the craft. I also teach young people with learning disabilities as well as children whose primary language isn’t English. The course undeniably equipped me with the necessary skills to best teach all my students, and I regularly find myself basing my teaching on what I learnt throughout my degree, both in terms of the actor training and theatre theory. I would recommend the USQ theatre degree to future students as it teaches such a wide variety of content and builds young artists who are proactive and unique, while it strategically equips students for the reality of working in the arts industry post-grad.
Brodie Greenhalgh
Theatre to me means community and stories. It’s a place to connect audiences and build community around an organisation or group of creatives. Connecting on an emotional level between colleagues, mentors and students, family, friends and strangers.Â
The degree at USQ taught me how to work autonomously, diligently, collaboratively and professionally. USQ provides an opportunity to work on theatrical productions from all angles thus offering a variety of technical and interpersonal skills.Â
I would recommend USQ for theatrical studies because of the staff and student support. USQ provides a safe place for young artists to start their emerging career by studying and exploring a range of subjects in this field.Â
Eli Bunyoung
There are many different attributes of an employable actor including, but not limited to talent, dedication to work, compatibility, amiability, knowledge and much more. The best thing an actor can do to increase their chances is work to develop as many skills as possible through hard work and experience – two things in which the University of Southern Queensland has helped me to develop, enhancing the previous attributes. Through these attributes I believe I have achieved employment as a full-time actor.
Moreover, my ability as an actor extends further into independence and the ability to create, develop and perform my own work including writing, resulting in an understanding of theatre on more levels than acting alone. Hence malleability as an actor is a very important trait taught to me in order to maintain work in this industry. The University of Southern Queensland is a wonderful destination to study a theatre degree because of its extensively proficient lecturers who impart masses of knowledge to their students. Through these lecturers and their classes, I have become a much more capable, talented and knowledgeable actor and professional. My practical ability has become far, far greater than when I first began university, as has my theoretical knowledge.
Company Performance
Meet our UniSQ Theatre students as they prepare for some thrilling stage performances.