january, 2024
Event Details
Level: All Registration: $1095.00 (plus materials) or $895.00 End of School Year Special – Now Only $447.50 Junior Pathway Program* (plus materials) + $50 McGregor Workshop Delivery Fee: this covers additional materials,
Event Details
Level: All
Registration: $1095.00 (plus materials) or $895.00 End of School Year Special – Now Only $447.50 Junior Pathway Program* (plus materials)
+ $50 McGregor Workshop Delivery Fee: this covers additional materials, tools, & models (where relevant) specific to this workshop. These will be supplied by McGregor at time of workshop. Payable at time of workshop registration.
+ $150 BYO Material & Tools cost (approximately): This is in addition to the McGregor Workshop Fee. Please refer to the online ‘Workshop Schedule, and Materials & Tools List’. You may already have some of these items.
Suitable for students aged 16+
There is an unclothed life model in this workshop
Workshop Outline
This painting workshop will explore paint application, composition, scale, mark making, and colour through looking at the portrait, landscape, still life, figure, and life drawing. Students will be encouraged to explore, find what excites them when creating, to then be able to develop one genre or explore more with Daniel’s guidance.

Daniel Butterworth is a figurative artist, who uses images of himself in much of his work to express social, political and personal views. Having started his working life as a sign-writer, Daniel later completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Latrobe University and has been a practising artist for more than 20 years. Dan has had numerous solo and group exhibitions and has been a finalist in a large number of high profile portrait prizes, including the Doug Moran Portraiture Prize and the Archibald. Daniel is now in demand as a guest artist and teacher in Australia. Daniel works from his studio in Kyneton, Victoria.
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM